
How can I transfer my entry to another person?

(transfers possible until 30th June 2025) *

1) Write us an email concerning the transfer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2) If the person you want to transfer your entry to has already enrolled for the race, all you have to do is provide us with his/her full name, name/distance of the race, and attach confirmation of the transfer of the statutory handling fee of PLN 25 to the email.

3) If this person has not enrolled yet, ask him/her to do so and then continue according to the instructions given in point 2.

4) The handling fee should be paid to the same account as the entry fee, i.e.:
Wrzosowa 11, 57-350 Kudowa-Zdrój
mBank 89 1140 2004 0000 3802 7717 9361

5) We confirm each transfer by email. Please be patient – we are not always able to respond to your email instantly.

* the date of receiving the email and the date of payment transfer are decisive

How can I move my entry to ANOTHER RACE as part of the DFBG 2025 event?

1) If you want to drop down to a shorter distance race please contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (e.g., I would like to move my entry to a shorter distance race, namely, from KBL 110KM to Golden Marathon 45KM)

2) If you would like to move your entry to a longer distance race:

a) Check how much you paid for the race and how much was the entry fee for the race you want to move to at the time of your original payment (you must pay the difference).

b) Contact us by email regarding this matter no later than by 30th June 2025  at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *

c) Pay the difference in the entry fee to the same bank account to which you paid the original entry fee and include the following information in the transfer title „ADDITIONAL PAYMENT FOR MOVING THE ENTRY FROM THE RACE X TO THE RACE Y + full name (e.g., Additional payment for moving the entry from the 110KM race to the 45KM race + Jan Kowalski)
Wrzosowa 11, 57-350 Kudowa-Zdrój
mBank 89 1140 2004 0000 3802 7717 9361

d) We confirm each change by email. Please be patient – we are not always able to respond to your email instantly.

* the date of receiving the email and the date of payment transfer are decisive

How can I obtain an invoice for the entry fee?

Just write us an email about the invoice at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the indication of:

– your name and surname

– the name of the race

– billing data for the invoice

– email address to which the invoice is to be sent

Please, remember that in accordance with the VAT Act: "an invoice is issued not later than on the 15th day of the month following the month in which all or a part of the payment was received from the buyer"

Can anyone else pick up my race pack?

YES, but without the race number and only based on your authorization. Authorization form can be downloaded HERE.  Printout of the authorization must be presented in the race office.

ATTENTION, race competitors must appear in the race office in person, with an ID (document with a photo) in order to be verified and sign the relevant statement.


Strategic Partner:


Gold Partner:

Kurort Lądek-Zdrój
Dolny Śląsk
Volvo V-Motors

Silver Partner:

Czanieckie Makarony

Bronze Partner:



Festiwal Górski
Good Vibration
Hotel Holimo
Drukarnia MJP

Organizational Partner:

Centrum Kultury i Rekreacji Lądek-Zdrój
Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości  Lądek-Zdrój
Kudowa Zdrój
Kudowskie Centrum Kultury i Sportu
Gmina Bardo
Willa Marianna
Uzdrowisko Lądek-Długopole S.A.
COS Duszniki Zdrój
Złoty Jar
Park Narodowy Gór Stołowych
Lasy Państwowe
GOPR Sudety
Medical Partners
Fundacja GOPR
Coffe Ride

Media Patronage:

Run And Travel